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Ayurvedic treatment of Colorectal Cancer

(1) Overview:

The big intestine is where colon cancer typically first manifests itself (colon). The digestive system ends with the colon.

Colon cancer can strike anyone at any age, but it often strikes older persons. Small, benign (noncancerous) cell clusters called polyps commonly grow on the interior of the colon as the first signs of the condition. Some of these polyps may eventually develop into colon cancer.

Small polyps may have few, if any, symptoms. Because of this, medical professionals advise routine screening exams to help prevent colon cancer by locating and eliminating polyps before they develop into cancer.

There are numerous therapies available to help control colon cancer, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and medication such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

The term colorectal cancer, which combines the terms colon cancer and rectal cancer (which starts in the rectum), is often used to refer to colon cancer.

(2) Risk factors:

The following elements may raise your risk of developing colon cancer:

  • Aged more. Although colon cancer can be discovered at any age, most cases occur in adults over the age of 50. Doctors are unsure of the reason why colon cancer rates in those under 50 have been rising.
  • Race of African Americans. Compared to people of other races, African-Americans are more likely to develop colon cancer.
  • A personal history of polyps or colorectal cancer. You are more likely to get colon cancer in the future if you’ve already had noncancerous colon polyps or colon cancer.
  • Intestinal inflammation-related diseases. Colon cancer risk can be increased by chronic inflammatory illnesses of the colon such Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
  • Disorders that are inherited and raise the risk of colon cancer. Your risk of colon cancer can greatly increase if you have certain gene mutations that have been passed down through your family. The majority of colon cancers are not caused by inherited genes. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and Lynch syndrome, often known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, are the two most prevalent genetic diseases that increase the chance of developing colon cancer (HNPCC).
  • History of colon cancer in the family. If you have a blood family who has had colon cancer, you are more likely to get it yourself. Your risk is increased if multiple family members have colon or rectal cancer.
  • High-fat, low-fiber diet. A normal Western diet that is high in fat and calories and poor in fibre may be linked to colon and rectal cancer. The findings of this research have been conflicting. People who consume diets heavy in processed and red meat are at an elevated risk of developing colon cancer, according to several research.
  • A sedentary way of life. Colon cancer is more prone to occur in those who are inactive. Regular exercise may lower your risk of developing colon cancer.
  • A sedentary way of life. Colon cancer is more prone to occur in those who are inactive. Regular exercise may lower your risk of developing colon cancer.
  • Colon cancer risk is higher in people who have diabetes or insulin resistance.
  • When compared to persons who are regarded to be of normal weight, those who are obese have a higher risk of developing colon cancer and a higher risk of dying from the disease.
  • Smokers may be more likely to develop colon cancer.
  • Colon cancer risk is increased by heavy alcohol usage.
  • Cancer radiation treatment. The risk of colon cancer is increased by radiation therapy administered to the abdomen to treat prior malignancies.
(3) Signs & Symptoms
  • Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:
  • A persistent change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn’t empty completely
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Many people with colon cancer experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they’ll likely vary, depending on the cancer’s size and location in your large intestine.
(4) Diagnosis as per modern science:

(i) Medical history and physical exam.
(ii) Sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, colonoscopy.
(iii) Blood tests
(iv) Biopsy
(v) Ultrasound
(vi) CT scan
(vii) MRI


  • In general, colon cancer begins when healthy cells in the colon develop changes (mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains a set of instructions that tell a cell what to do.
  • Healthy cells grow and divide in an orderly way to keep your body functioning normally. But when a cell’s DNA is damaged and becomes cancerous, cells continue to divide — even when new cells aren’t needed. As the cells accumulate, they form a tumor.
  • With time, the cancer cells can grow to invade and destroy normal tissue nearby. And cancerous cells can travel to other parts of the body to form deposits there (metastasis).


  • It has been discovered that some drugs lower the risk of colon cancer or precancerous polyps. For instance, some data suggests that regular aspirin or aspirin-like drug use lowers the risk of polyps and colon cancer. However, it is unclear what dosage and how long would be required to lower the risk of colon cancer. Daily aspirin use carries some dangers, such as ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Those at a high risk of colon cancer are typically the only ones who should consider these choices. To advise these drugs to those with a typical risk of colon cancer would require more research.
  • If you are more likely to develop colon cancer, talk to your doctor about your risk factors to find out if taking preventive medicine is safe for you.