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Ayurvedic treatment Esophagus Cancer


Food enters the stomach through the esophagus, which joins the mouth and stomach. The esophagus is about 10 and 13 inches long. The esophagus of an adult measures three quarters of an inch at its narrowest point.

There are multiple layers to the esophageal wall. Esophageal cancer spreads from its inner layer outward. The lamina propria and the epithelium make up the majority of the mucosa, the inner layer of the esophagus. Squamous cells are the type of cells that make up the epithelium, which lines the esophagus. Under the epithelium is a thin layer of connective tissue known as the lamina propria.

The muscularis mucosa, a thin layer of muscle tissue, lies beneath the mucosa. The sub-mucosa layer comes next. In this layer, there are glands that secrete mucus in a few areas of the esophagus. The muscular is propria is a substantial ring of muscle that lies beneath the sub mucosa. To move food from the neck to the stomach, this layer of muscle contracts in a rhythmic, coordinated manner. Connective tissues make up the esophagus' outermost layer. It has the name adventitia.

When food or liquid approaches the upper portion of the esophagus, an unique region of muscles at its commencement relaxes to allow the esophagus to open. The upper esophageal sphincter is the name of this muscle. The gastro esophageal junction, often known as the GE junction, is the bottom portion of the esophagus that joins to the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter is a distinct region of muscle located close to the GE junction. The lower esophageal sphincter prevents stomach acids and digestive enzymes from entering the esophagus and regulates the flow of food from the esophagus into the stomach.

There are two primary esophageal cancer subtypes. Adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Since squamous cells generally line the whole esophagus, squamous cell carcinoma can develop anywhere along the esophagus length. In glandular tissues, which ordinarily do not cover the esophagus, adenocarcinoma begins. An region of squamous cells must be replaced by glandular cells before an adenocarcinoma can grow.

(2) Risk factors: –

(a) Age: Esophageal cancer's incidence, or rate of occurrence, rises with age and reaches a peak between the ages of 70 and 80. The age range of those diagnosed with cancer is from 55 to 85.

(b) Gender: Men are 3 times more likely than women to develop esophageal cancer.
(c) Race: There is an extremely high risk of cancer among some African tribes who consume locally brewed beer that contains the well-known carcinogen Nitrosamine.
(d) Alcohol & Tobacco: The likelihood of acquiring esophageal cancer rises when alcohol and tobacco usage are combined.
(e) Obesity: Having excess body fat increases a person chance of esophageal cancer by 50%, making obesity a known risk factor for the disease.
(f) Baret’s esophagus: The disorder known as Baret’s esophagus is brought on by the reflux of stomach acids into the lower esophagus. Heartburn is one symptom that could appear. Adenocarcinoma type cancer has a greater risk of developing in people with Barrett esophagus.
(g) Disease of the gastro esophageal reflux: The risk of esophageal cancer can rise in people with long-term GERD.

(h) Diets: Diets deficient in minerals, vitamins, fruits, and vegetables may raise the risk of esophageal cancer. Geographically specific food practices may cause esophageal cancer.
(i) Occupational Exposure: Industrial workers who are exposed to cancer-causing substances have an extremely high chance of developing cancer.
(j) Chemical ingestion: Childhood chemical exposure that was unintentional can result in esophageal cancer in adults.
(k) Achalasia: The lower esophageal sphincter does not adequately relax in achalasia, preventing food and drink from passing into the stomach. It is most likely a result of a nerve cell abnormality in the lower esophagus that prevents the lower esophageal sphincter from relaxing and makes swallowing challenging. Above this narrowing, the esophagus dilates and retains food. Esophageal cancer does happen to some Achalasia individuals.
(l) Tylosis: Tylosis causes the top layer of skin on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet to develop excessively. A significantly high risk of esophageal cancer exists in those who have this syndrome.

(3) Signs & Symptoms: –

(a) Dysphagia: The difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, with the feeling that food is getting trapped in the throat or chest, is the most typical symptom of esophageal cancer. The tumor generating this symptom narrows the esophageal aperture.
(b) Pain: Patients may occasionally experience modest chest discomfort, a feeling of pressure, or burning. Painful swallowing is typically a late indicator of a significant malignancy that is obstructing the esophageal aperture. When food or liquid enters the tumor and is unable to pass it, it can cause this pain to appear a short while later.
(c) Weight loss: About half of esophageal cancer patients report unintentional weight loss. Because they are unable to ingest enough food and nutrients to maintain their weight, this occurs. Some of the most common symptoms of Esophagus cancer:-

(ii)Significant weight loss without dieting.
(iii)Avoidance of solid food because of pain, when the patient swallows.
(iv)Hiccups and Dysphagia together.

When esophageal cancer was first discovered, it had already progressed quickly to distant organs in the majority of patients. The trachea, lungs, pleura, throat, stomach, and digestive organs are all immediately affected by this cancer spread. This cancer spreads more quickly through the lymphatic system than through the blood.

Diagnosis as per modern science
(i) Barium swallow or upper GI tract X rays.
(ii) Upper endoscopy.
(iii) Computed tomography.
(iv) Endoscopic ultrasound.
(v) Bronchoscopy.

(a) Stage 0: The cancer is still in its very early stages and is only found in the first layer of cells lining the esophagus; it has not yet penetrated the inner membrane, which is the first layer of mucosal lining. This stage is known as carcinoma in situ.
(b) Stage I: The cancer has not yet progressed to nearby tissues, lymph nodes, or other organs and is only present in a small portion of the esophagus.
(c) Stage II: The esophagus has a significant portion of cancer that has progressed to all of its sides and may have reached nearby lymph nodes. However, it hasn’t spread to nearby organs.

(d) Stage III: The cancer has spread to the tissues and organs close to the esophagus, as well as to the lymph nodes close by, but it has not yet manifested any evidence of distant dissemination.
(e) Stage IV : The cancer has reached remote areas of the body.

Ayurvedic treatment :

The most efficient and suitable treatment for esophageal cancer is ayurveda. It is the most efficient method for regaining a healthy balance by getting rid of all Esophageal Cancer signs and symptoms. Although it takes time to act, ayurvedic medicine is beneficial for extended periods of time. As a result, the body experiences no adverse side effects. The three primary cancer treatment modalities are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. These methods of treatment can change depending on the kind, location, and severity of the cancer. Depending on the stage of the cancer, surgery, chemo, and radiotherapy may be utilised to treat it. Anyone who has been told they have esophageal cancer should get treatment from a doctor who specialises in cancer or from a facility that is prepared to treat malignancies of all stages.
The following are the things you can do to treat Esophageal Cancer:
 Ensure a balanced diet
 Herbs and Medicines
 Yoga
 Massaging
 Relaxing