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Treatment explained for Breast Cancer

(1) Overview

(2) Symptoms

(3) Risk factors

(4) Breast self examination

(5) Diagnosis as per modern science

(6) Staging

(7) Ayurvedic treatment

(1) Overview: –

Breasts provide milk for the new-born. They run from the collarbone to the side armpit. Large muscles are affixed to the ribs and the bones of the shoulder joint behind the breasts.

The breast consists of milk glands supported by tissue and fat. Milk is produced in the milk glands and milk sacks and is delivered to the nipple through the ducts. About 20 segments of these glands radiate from the nipple.

The breast keeps changing in shape, size and texture during monthly periods, with age, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations.

About 90% of all breast cancers have their origins in the ducts or lobes. Nearly 75% of all breast cancers, also known as ductal carcinomas, start in the cells lining the milk ducts.

Lobular carcinoma refers to cancers that start in the lobules. At the time of diagnosis or in the future, there is a greater likelihood that lobular carcinoma will develop in the opposite breast.

It is referred to as invasive or infiltrating ductal or lobular carcinoma if the illness has gone outside of the duct or lobule and into the surrounding tissue. The term “in situ” refers to a disease that has not spread. Meaning “in place.” The course of in situ disease depends on whether it is originated as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS).

Medullar, mucinous, tubular, or papillary breast cancers are additional, less common types of breast cancer. A small percentage of all breast cancers, or around 5%, are inflammatory breast tumours, which have a quicker rate of growth.

Due to the frequent breast swelling and skin redness, it may be mistakenly identified as a breast infection. In situ cancers like Paget’s disease can start in the ducts of the nipple.

Breast cancer cells may migrate through the blood arteries and/or lymph vessels to reach other locations in the body. The lymph nodes may be found in the neck (cervical), under the arm (axillary), or above the collarbone (supraclavicular). The bones, lungs, and liver are the locations of distant metastasis most frequently. In the skin or tissues of the chest, the cancer may also come back locally.

Cancer starts with a single, genetically erroneous cell. As this single cell multiplies, it eventually grows into a tumour (a mass of cells) and creates a blood supply to support its unstoppable growth. Cells may eventually separate from the main mass and travel through the bloodstream or surrounding lymphatic system to different parts of the body this process is called metastasis.

Breast cancers can sometimes be detected and treated before metastasis occurs. If the diagnosis is not made as soon as possible, other malignancies can have spread when they are discovered. Typically, the chances of metastasis rise with tumour size. The chances of metastasis increases with primary tumour size.

(2) Symptoms: –

Despite the fact that the widespread use of screening mammography has increased the number of breast cancers discovered before they manifest any symptoms, some breast cancers are not detected by mammography, either because the test was not performed or because even in the best of circumstances mammography cannot detect every breast cancer.

New lumps or masses are the most typical indicator of breast cancer. A painless, hard mass that has irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous, but some cancers are tender, soft, and rounded.

A generalised breast swelling, skin irritation or dimpling, nipple pain or retraction (turning inward), redness or scanlines of the nipple or breast skin, or a discharge other than breast milk are further indicators of breast cancer. Occasionally, Occasionally, Even before the initial tumour in the breast tissue is large enough to be discovered, cancer can migrate to the lymph nodes beneath the arm.

(3) Risk factors: –

Natural Risk factors

  1. Gender – Women are more likely to acquire breast cancer than men because they have more breast cells than males do. Men can get breast cancer, but it happens very rarely. These cells in women are constantly exposed to the growth-promoting effects of female hormones.
  2. Age – As a person age, their chance of breast cancer rises. When diagnosed, around 80% of breast cancer patients are older than 50.
  3. Genetic risk factors – Genetic factors have been found responsible for developing breast cancer.
  4. Family history of breast cancer –Women who have close relatives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer are more likely to develop the disease themselves.
  5. Race – It is well established that race has an impact on how breast cancer develops in women.
  6. Previous abnormal biopsy – Breast cancer risk is greater in women whose earlier breast biopsies revealed any of the abnormalities.
  • – Fibro adenoma
  • – Hyperplasia without atypia.
  • – Sclerosing adenosis.
  • – Solitary Papilloma.
  1. Prior breast radiation – Women who underwent chest radiation for the treatment of another cancer had a greatly increased risk of breast cancer.
  2. Menstrual cycle – Women who first began menstruating young, before the age of 12, or who experienced menopause later in life (55 or older), have a slightly greater chance of having breast cancer

Life style related risk factors

(1)  Not having children – Women who did not have any children or who had children        relatively late in life are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

(2)  Oral contraceptive use –

(3)   It has been determined that oral contraceptives

(4)    May have an impact on the development of breast cancer

(5)     In women. Before using them, women should seek appropriate medical advice.

(6)     Hormone replacement therapy – Breast cancer risk may

(7)     Be increased by using oestrogen and progesterone together for a

(8)    Prolonged period of time after menopause.

(9)     Breast feeding and pregnancy –Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

(10)   Alcohol and tobacco use – Use of alcohol and tobacco, like in all types

(11)    of cancers greatly increases the chances of breast cancer.

(11)    Breast implants – Or tight undergarments greatly increase the risk of breast cancers.

Diagnosis as per modern science: 


  • Mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Ductogram
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Nipple discharge examination
  • Biopsy
  • CT Scan




  1. Stage I – The tumour has not migrated outside the breast and is smaller than 2 cm.
  2. Stage II – The tumour has spread to adjacent lymph nodes and is more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm.
  3. Stage III – The tumor is any size, has spread to 10 or more nodes in the axilla or to internal mammary lymph nodes, which are enlarged because of the cancer. All of these are on the same side as the breast cancer. The cancer hasn’t spread to distant sites.
  4. Stage IV – The cancer regardless of size has spread to distant organs such as bone, liver, or lung, or to lymph nodes away from the breast.

Ayurvedic treatment 

This potent Ayurvedic plant has the ability to naturally rejuvenate your body. Additionally, it aids in removing breast cancer-related stress, sluggishness, and weariness. Curcuma

This potent Ayurvedic herb has a number of therapeutic benefits. It is an antioxidant that assists in lowering free radical levels in the body. This is advantageous for stronger immunity and overall wellness.

The herb is extremely successful at treating malignant malignancies and is capable of fighting off viruses and poisons. Guggul Kanhnaar

This Ayurvedic product is made by combining a variety of herbs, including amalaki, haritaki, ginger, kachnar bark, and many more. This works well to keep cells and tissues in good condition. It also halts the uncontrolled expansion of malignant cells.