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(1) Overview
(2) Risk factors
(3) Signs & Symptoms
(4) Diagnosis as per modern science
(5) Staging
(6) Treatment as per Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment of cervical cancer 


The lower portion of the uterus that attaches to the vagina, or the cervix, is where the cells of the cervical cancer develop.

The majority of cervical cancers are brought on by different strains of the sexually transmitted infection known as the human papillomavirus (HPV).

The body’s immune system normally stops the virus from causing harm when exposed to HPV. However, in a small number of people, the virus endures for years and aids in the process by which some cervical cells develop into cancer cells.

By getting screening tests and an anti-HPV vaccine, you can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer.


Early-stage cervical cancer typically has no symptoms or indicators.

More severe cervical cancer symptoms and signs include:

  • Vaginal bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after menopause
  • Watery, bloody vaginal discharge that may be heavy and have a foul odor
  • Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse


Cervical cancer begins when healthy cells in the cervix develop changes (mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do.

Healthy cells develop and proliferate at a specific rate before dying at a specific period. The cells are instructed by the mutations to grow and replicate erratically while remaining alive. A mass of aberrant cells develops as they accumulate (tumor). Cancer cells can infect the tissues in the immediate area and can separate from a tumour to spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body.

Although the exact origin of cervical cancer is unknown, HPV is known to have a part. The majority of HPV-positive people do not go on to develop cancer. This indicates that in addition to genetics, your environment and lifestyle choices also have a role in determining whether you’ll get cervical cancer.

Types of cervical cancer:

The type of cervical cancer that has influences your prognosis and therapy. Cervical cancer is classified into three types:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma- This type of cervical cancer begins in the thin, flat cells (squamous cells) lining the outer part of the cervix, which projects into the vagina. Most cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas.
  • Adenocarcinoma- This type of cervical cancer begins in the column-shaped glandular cells that line the cervical canal.

Sometimes, both types of cells are involved in cervical cancer. Very rarely, cancer occurs in other cells in the cervix.

Risk factors:

Risk factors for cervical cancer include:

  • There are numerous sexual partners. The more sexual partners you have — and the more sexual partners your partner has — the more likely you are to contract HPV.
  • Sexual activity in childhood. Having sex at a young age raises your risk of HPV.
  • Other sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Other STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS, enhance your chances of contracting HPV.
  • A compromised immune system. If your immune system is impaired by another health issue and you have HPV, you may be more likely to develop cervical cancer.
  • Squamous cell cervical cancer is linked to smoking.
  • Miscarriage prevention medication exposure. If your mother used the chemical diethylstilbestrol (DES) while pregnant in the 1950s, you may be at a higher risk of a certain type of cancer.



  • Pap test.
  • HPV DNA test.
  • Your doctor will probably start by thoroughly inspecting your cervix if cervical cancer is suspected. To look for aberrant cells, a specialised magnifying device called a colposcope is employed.
  • Your doctor may perform a cervical biopsy during the colposcopic examination to collect cells for laboratory analysis. Your doctor may utilise tissue to:
  • Punch biopsy, which entails taking tiny samples of cervical tissue with a sharp instrument.
  • Endocervical curettage involves scraping a sample of tissue from the cervix using a tiny, spoon-shaped tool (a curet) or a thin brush.
  • Electrical wire loop, which takes a little sample of tissue using a thin, low-voltage electrified wire. Typically, local anaesthetic is used for this procedure in the office.
  • Your doctor may perform a cone biopsy, also known as conization, to collect cervical cells from deeper layers for laboratory analysis. Under general anaesthesia, a cone biopsy can be performed at a medical facility.
  • You will have additional tests to establish the extent (stage) of your cancer if your doctor finds that you have cervical cancer. The stage of your cancer will greatly influence the course of your treatment.

Ayurvedic treatment 

A significant health concern is the recent increase in cancer of the female reproductive system. While Western medicine has been able to help patients affected by this in certain ways, Ayurveda also offers some excellent treatments for cervical cancer. Let’s look at some of Ayurveda’s treatments.

Withania somnifera, also known as ashwagandha, is a versatile plant that has long been a favourite of Ayurvedic doctors. It is a fantastic antioxidant because it has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics that work to inhibit the formation of cancer cells. As a result, it can be quite beneficial in stopping or treating cervical cancer.

The plant Lodhra, also known as Symplocus Racemosa, is extracted and utilised in powders or even in the form of capsules. It is frequently used to treat menstruation issues and vaginal discharges and has a reputation for being extremely effective. All tumours of the female reproductive system, including the cervix, can benefit greatly from it.

Shatavari, also known as Asparagus Racemosus, is a herb that is excellent for boosting a woman’s libido and providing her with more energy for daily tasks. Since ancient times, ayurvedic practitioners have employed this plant to treat a variety of female sexual issues. Furthermore, it significantly slows the spread of cancer cells inside female reproductive organs and prevents cervical cancer.

Saraka Indica’s ashoka bark This is an additional element that is regularly utilised in goods for women’s health. Ashoka bark has been shown to lessen the discomfort and symptoms brought on by tumours in a variety of organs, making it particularly interesting in the context of female reproductive health. The uncomfortable PMS symptoms can be greatly reduced and monthly irregularities can be resolved using this natural treatment.